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Happy Release Day to "Unquiet Souls" by Christine Pope!

Title: Unquiet Souls

Author: Christine Pope

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Cover Designer: Christian Bentulan (Covers by Christian)

Editor: Katherine Tomlinson, Story Authority

Publication Date: February 20th, 2019

Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR

Their chemistry could make their show a monster hit — if the monsters don’t kill them first.

On the surface, psychologist Audrey Barrett is the perfect co-host for Michael Covenant’s new cable series, Project Demon Hunters. She’s smart, articulate, and photogenic as hell.

There’s just one problem. Michael has made it his mission to stay out of her orbit. Thanks to his producer’s stubborn insistence, however, there’s no avoiding her — which means Michael will have to bury his secrets even deeper.

After the tragedy that took her parents ten years earlier, Audrey has kept herself on the fringe of the paranormal world. But with her small therapy practice floundering, the money the show’s offering is too good to pass up.

From the moment they step inside a rundown mansion, things start flying: sparks between Audrey and Michael, not to mention furniture hurled by something determined to make sure their investigation fails. Worse, evil seems to have followed Audrey home — and she discovers why the man at her side on camera is the last man she can trust in real life.

The two of them went upstairs, where she paused in front of the open door to her room. Before she could say good night, however, Michael spoke again.

“You know you’re a very extraordinary woman, don’t you?”

He was standing very close. Possibly too close, but Audrey found she didn’t mind. Maybe she should have minded. There might have been a moment when she could have stepped inside her room, made a quick comment about seeing him in the morning. Whatever that moment was, or could have been, it was lost soon enough, because Michael took another step toward her. Now he was only inches away, those odd, gold-flecked gray eyes focused on her face.

Voice a murmur, he said, “You can tell me to stop.”

She knew she should. She knew what was going to come next. But all she could feel was a terrible, aching need, body and soul telling her something her mind had wanted to ignore.

All she could do was shake her head. Not telling him to stop, as he’d said, but letting him know that she didn’t want to say those words.

She didn’t want him to stop.

And then he was bending toward her, and she felt as if she was falling into those eyes as his mouth touched hers. In that instant, the need within her seemed to flare with a terrible fire, wanting even more than this kiss, wanting him so badly that the strength of her desire shocked her. Had she ever felt this way with anyone else?

She didn’t think so, but right then she also wasn’t quite capable of rational thought. All she knew was that kissing Michael Covenant felt more right than anything else she’d ever done, even though she knew deep down that they should not be doing this. Not when they were working together. Not when he was being so secretive about his past.

Despite all those thoughts raging through her head, he was the one to end the kiss, not Audrey. He lifted his mouth from hers and took a step backward, then said, “I shouldn’t have done that.”

USA Today bestseller Christine Pope is the author of the paranormal romance Witches of Cleopatra Hill series and the Djinn Wars series, among many other books (sixty and counting!). Researching UFOs brought her to magical Sedona, Arizona, where she now makes her home. Find out more about her books at

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